About Me

Llantwit Major, Wales, United Kingdom
I am mother, librarian, avid reader, sf fan, writer (unpubished), singer(amateur), animal lover, needlewoman.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ivy - lots of ivy

We have been attacking the ivy in the back garden. It is all along the wall and the fence, so we have spent all afternoon hacking it down and we have ended up with 4 huge piles of ivy! We have done one trip to the tip and got rid of about half of it!

We disturbed a bird nest which has eggs in it, so we put that one back and didn't cut the ivy around there, so I hope that the birds will come back to the nest.

It is astonishing how much ivy there is over a not very long bit of wall. We cut some of it down weeks ago, and you would think it would have wilted a bit - but no, it is as healthy and bouncy looking as when we first chopped it down. I also cut the roots off some other areas of wall and the ivy on that bit of wall, and the lampost where Brian cut it off are still as healthy and green as they were weeks ago. Shouldn't they be dying off by now???????

Does ivy live off fresh air?

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