We had a lovely 2 weeks in Pembrokeshire, very relaxing, very unorganised. The first week the weather was awful, the second week we got some walks in though, between the rain showers, though the rain was more like fire hose than shower. We saw a seal having his dinner, and here he is swimming off St David's Head.

We also saw some choughs. These are a picture of some of them. They are very rare members of the crow family with red feet and beaks, but there are quite a lot of them along the South Pembs coast, and we saw these while we were walking near Marloes. They are very social birds and very chatty.

This is just a fancy picture which I took at Marloes castle, through the hole in a wall.
We had a really lazy time and really did not want to go back to work. However ....
Statistic from the weather man yesterday - this July has been the wettest in Britain since 1888!!!!!!
I believe it.
Does Chough rhyme with cough or is it like Chuff? It all looks lovely though
Toronto must also be approaching some kind of a record...I think I am going to start mildewing one of these days!
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