Just as well, because the rain is back today, the heating needs to be turned back up, and I was cold at work, so needed an extra layer on. Ho hum.
The good news is that I have passed my first indexing exam. I wasn't actually in a great deal of doubt about passing this one as most of it was stuff I did studying for librarianship. However the feedback they sent back was quite detailed, and I will go through the paper I sent in as they suggested. However it is stage 1, and I will send off for the next one now.
Sunday was Mother's day, and I was sent a blouse by Kate which is lovely. Sunday morning I came down to breakfast to discover a big bouquet of flowers, a scented candle and a card from Adam, and he had also put out a bowl, a spoon and my usual breakfast cereal waiting for me which was very nice indeed. Child no 3 - who was at work on Sunday - has yet to produce a card .... so I am waiting with baited breath.
As long as you're not holding your breathe....
I got the card and a Marks & Spencer voucher - goody goody
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